
An Online Education Platform for Salutem

An Online Education Platform from Salutem

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The Vision

All students in the UK can access high quality education regardless of the complexity of their needs.

The Mission

To use the virtual space to deliver the best quality education to those who need it the most.

What does success look like?

We recognised that success will look different for each student depending on their starting point. Each student will have an individual plan with a specific set of goals to ensure that our approach to progress is child-centred. Typical goals could include:

  • Regular attendance to sessions
  • Contribution to class discussions
  • GCSE Exam in May/November
  • Increased confidence as a learner
  • Progress with setting or working towards career goals
  • Development of numeracy and literacy skills

How is progress measured?

Academic progress is monitored at the end of each project using a range of assessment tasks (see our assessment policy). In order to present a holistic view of the student a full report is generated termly including attendance, feedback from students and progress against their individual goals.


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We recognise that our cohort are coming to us with unique and complex scenarios that have kept them out of the classroom for a period of time. As such, safeguarding is at the centre of our whole approach. Our senior leaders are trained Safeguarding leads and all of our staff receive regular safeguarding training. We utilise CPOMs as well as online safeguarding software such as Securely and JAMF to ensure that we are able to effectively track and monitor students in an appropriate way.

A key strength for Chiron OEP is our access to the wealth of experience held in the wider Salutem company. Our Care quality team are experts in child centred care with a solid knowledge of children’s services across the country.

In addition to our standard safeguarding policy, Chiron have a robust online safeguarding policy based on advice from the SWGfl.

Our Delivery

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  • On enrolment students will receive a pack including an iPad, stylus, calculator and set texts to allow them to access the curriculum.
  • The iPad will be prepared in advance with the timetable, relevant apps and monitoring software to ensure we are able to meet our safeguarding standards.
  • All lessons are accessed online via video conferencing and work is completed using the Showbie app.
  • Student work is marked and returned via Showbie.
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Time Mon Tues Weds Thurs Fri
09:00 to 10:00 Maths Maths Maths Maths
10:00 to 11:00 English English English English
11:00 to 12:00 Games Art Maths drop-in Games Art Assembly
13:00 to 14:00 1:1 check-in English drop-in

Case Studies from our Pilot

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B – Male, 13

Has been out of education since November 2021. He has an EHCP for SEMH issue and has been refusing to attend. He struggles to build relationships, finding eye contact particularly difficult.

B has attended every session with the online school. His engagement with the provision has opened him up to the possibility of getting back to mainstream and he has started to explore the possibility of returning to school with his social worker. He particularly enjoyed learning how to count in Binary and learning about the size of galaxy.

K – Female, 16

Has been out of education since Summer 2022 due to her high and complex social anxiety. K is a high academic achiever and wants to have a career working with children but she can’t be in large groups.

K has been working with us towards accessing key GCSEs in Maths and English alongside the care award to access a L3 course in childcare. She is already achieving passing grades in these subjects and we are supporting her in building her confidence so that she feels able to sit the exams.

Term Dates

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Term 1a

4th of September to 20th of October

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Term 1b

30th of October to 22nd of December

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Term 2a

8th of January to 16th of February

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Term 2b

26th of February to 28th of March

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Term 3a

15th of April to 24th of May

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Term 3b

3rd of June to 19th of July


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A day never passes at EFH without all our staff being positive about education but only now, with the intervention of Chiron OEP is KM beginning to find her potential. Ayesha has things planned and good engagement with KM, she keeps EFH staff positive and updated about lessons and progress, and even during keyworker interventions KM has talked positively about her ability and her belief that she can get good grades in English and Maths.


Deputy Home Manager

The online provision from Salutem has been a fantastic element of support for a young person I support. This young person was completely disengaged from education but with the online provision she has been able to access her education, as well as the virtual school head being able to liaise with a local school to support the young person attending for her exams, where there was a lot of anxiety before.


Social Worker

Wow, this is amazing, I am SO proud – just fantastic. It’s lovely seeing him engage with education and hearing his voice.

Thank you once again, he’s such a lovely young person with great creativity and potential fingers crossed this is something that makes him smile again and he can keep growing in confidence.

A Proud Parent